Most Irish fiction published between 1650 and 1900 has fallen into virtual oblivion. Research by the Loebers for their Guide to Irish Fiction has led to the ide…
This book is an original and comprehensive exposition of both native and 'settler' Corkonians, covering such areas as politics, industry, sport, church history …
This revised and updated guide contains an overview of the Church of Ireland's administration and the records which it produced, a guide to published catalogues…
This work traces the fortunes of a minor gentry family, the MacGeough Bonds of The Argory, Co. Armagh, through the dramatic changes that occurred in rural Irela…
This book lists the 1700 officers of the RIC, including birth, marriage and death dates; the native county, service (if any) in the British army, yeomanry and m…
This book provides a summary of the contents of the documentary and published sources for the study of crime held in Irish and British repositories, offers sugg…
This guide is designed to help those conducting research in to all aspects of Irish military history. Commissioned by the Military Heritage of Ireland Trust, wh…
This book aims to introduce the local history practitioner to the world of maps – the special character (and appeal) of maps as an historical source, why they a…
The establishment of English rule in Ireland in the late 12th century involved the introduction not only of foreign settlers, but also of administrative practic…
This is the fifth and final volume in the series of early statutes begun by the Public Record Office of Ireland in 1907. It contains the text, with English tran…
This book focuses on how local historians can source and use the various censuses and universal taxation returns and a variety of other sources of the pre-censu…
The manuscript maps of the estates of the archbishops of Dublin are rare survivals for most of the Church of Ireland's cartographical collections were destroyed…