A biographical dictionary of Cork

Tim Cadogan & Jeremiah Falvey

Hardback €31.50
Catalogue Price: €35.00
Out of Stock
ISBN: 1-84682-030-8
June 2006. 352pp.

This book is an original and comprehensive exposition of both native and 'settler' Corkonians, covering such areas as politics, industry, sport, church history etc. Over 1600 entries are treated in alphabetical order with a relevant topographical index of those born both in the City and County of Cork. Of special interest would be the entries of those people, both native and otherwise, who have contributed much to the Cork area and are largely forgotten. Both editors are natives of County Cork and, collectively, have wide experience in genealogy and local history. The book will have wide appeal to readers of both casual and academic backgrounds and, probably most importantly to the curious. Famous profiles include those of Michael Collins, Rory Gallagher and Christy Ring.

Jeremiah Falvey was born in Midleton, Co. Cork and is an Independent scholar, currently engaged in postgraduate research at University College, Cork. Tim Cadogan is a native of Aughadown, West Cork, who works as an Executive Librarian at Cork County Library, Cork. He is the author of the very popular Tracing your Cork Ancestors.