Mysteries and solutions in Irish legal history

Desmond Greer & Norma Dawson editors

Hardback €49.50
Catalogue Price: €55.00
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ISBN: 1-85182-576-2
January 2001. 240pp.

A fourteenth-century legal innovator: Giolla na Naomh MacAodhagaín
Fergus Kelly

Legal records of the Irish central courts 1603–1690: a preliminary report
Jane Ohlmeyer

'To follow the late precedents in England': the first Irish impeachment proceedings in 1641
John McCafferty

'United and knit to the Imperial crown': an English view of the Anglo-Hibernian constitution of 1670
John Baker

Edmund Burke and the law
R.B. McDowell

Pre-famine manor courts in the west of Ireland
Richard McMahon

R.R. Cherry, lord chief justice of Ireland, 1914–16
Daire Hogan

The Irish lords of appeal in ordinary
Lord Lowry

Mysteries and solutions: experiencing Irish legal history
W.N. Osborough