Gablánach in scélaigecht

Celtic studies in honour of Ann Dooley

Sarah Sheehan Joanne Findon & Westley Follett editors

Hardback €49.50
Catalogue Price: €55.00
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Only 2 copies remaining! This book will not be republished once it goes out of print.
ISBN: 978-1-84682-386-2
April 2013. 320pp; ills.

Patrick, Gaul, and Gildas: a new lens on the apostle of Ireland’s career
Michael W. Herren

The sea and the spirit: two notes
John Carey

The O’Donohue Lives of the Salamancan Codex: the earliest collection of Irish saints’ lives?
Pádraig Ó Riain

Women, blood, and soul-friendship: a contextual study of two anecdotes from the Tallaght Memoir
Westley Follett

Plotting Acallam na Senórach: the physical context of the ‘Mayo’ sequence
Anne Connon

The Acallam: the Church’s eventual acceptance of the cultural inheritance of pagan Ireland
Harry Roe

Lexical specificity in the Auraicept na nÉces
James Acken

The body in Táin Bó Cúailnge
Tomás Ó Cathasaigh

Nes, Deirdriu, Luaine: fated women in Conchobar’s life
Joanne Findon

Loving Medb
Sarah Sheehan

The Monstrous Hero (or Monster-as-Hero): a Celtic motif in contemporary literature
Connell Monette

Eól dam seiser cloinne Cuinn: the fortunes of a twelfth-century Irish syncretistic poem
Dáibhí Ó Cróinín

The Irish history of the ‘third Troy’ and medieval writing of history
Brent Miles

Gwydion in the court of Pryderi
Patrick K. Ford

How Irish was medieval Ceredigion? Pseudo-history, history, and historiography
Karen Jankulak

The ‘Statute of Gruffudd ap Cynan’: a window on late-medieval Welsh bardic practice
David N. Kalusner