Walking through Dublin Castle or along the surviving medieval city walls, you can see only glimpses of what it would have been like to live in the city centurie…
Laurence O’Neill (1864-1943) was Lord Mayor of Dublin during key years in modern Irish history, 1917–1924. During these troubled years he held the confidence of…
This volume has important studies on the political, social and literary history of Dublin from the Viking Age to the dawn of the modern era. Eoin O’Flynn recons…
This book presents a picture of Portmarnock, Co. Dublin, as an important local centre for the manufacture of brick and terracotta during the Victorian period. T…
This publication examines life for Dublin’s South Circular Road population under a variety of topics using databases created with the 1911 census data supported…
The rebellion of 1916 transformed Irish politics. Outside of Dublin, there were only a few locations where military action occurred. One of these was Ashbourne,…
The lord mayor is the first citizen of Dublin city and chairperson of the elected council. The office of mayor, created in 1229 and restyled lord mayor in 1665,…
In 1841, on stepping down as chief secretary, George Howard, Lord Morpeth, received a grand farewell testimonial from the people of Ireland. This took the form …
This book explores aspects of the social, political and cultural life of Dublin at a defining point in Irish history during the 1913 Lockout. Certain personalit…
This twelfth volume of proceedings of the annual Friends of Medieval Dublin Symposium contains reports on recent archaeological excavations in and around Dublin…
St Audoen’s, on a prominent site in Cornmarket, is one of the most distinctive churches in the city of Dublin. A medieval foundation dedicated to the seventh ce…
The book places Dublin at the centre of a discussion about the significance of the historic urban landscape. Bringing together experts in art history, architect…