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Italian culture

Interactions, transpositions, translations

Cormac Ó Cuilleanáin Corinna Salvadori & John Scattergood editors

Hardback €49.50
Catalogue Price: €55
ISBN: 1-84682-025-1
June 2006. 272pp.

Introduction: Dove 'l sí sona: two hundred and thirty years of Italian in Trinity College Dublin
Corinna Salvadori

De amicitia: poet-friends in Dante's Florence
Peter Armour

'Boccaccio could be better served': Harry McWilliam and translation criticism
Cormac Ó Cuilleanáin

Humanism in Ireland in the sixteenth century: the evidence of TCD MS 160
John Scattergood

'Angelicafugata': from Ariosto to Lampedusa
Daragh O'Connell

Motives of translation: reading Thomas More's translation of Pico della Mirandola's Life and Works
Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin

Moliére's L'Avare as scripted commedia dell'arte
Richard Andrews

Theatre of revolt and Teatro grottesco
Joseph Farrell

Eliot, Dante and Four Quartets: a pattern behind the pattern in 'Burnt Norton'
Doug Thompson

Joycean translations of Anna Livia Plurabelle:
Carol O'Sullivan

Beckett's Waiting for Godot and Titley's Tagann Godot, alias Arriva Godot
Rosangela Barone

Italian film culture in the English-speaking world: translations and transpositions
George Talbot

Piero Bigongiari and Mario Luzi: the poet as translator: 'Who may yet be read and may be written yet': Piero Bigongiari and Mario Luzi translated
Mark Hutcheson

The literary critic: Tom O'Neill and modern Italian literature
Brian Moloney

Mitomodernismo: a poetics of art and action
Roberto Bertoni