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Directory of Irish archives: 5th edition

Seamus Helferty & Raymond Refaussé

Catalogue Price: €9.20
ISBN: 978-1-84682-470-8
Catalogue Price: €0.00
Not Available in Paperback. E-Book only
October 2011. 240pp.

Since its first appearance the Directory of Irish Archives has become the standard work for those who need introductory information on archival and manuscript collections in Irish repositories.

This new revised and updated edition of a book first published in 1988 contains entries for some 250 repositories and organizations – educational, religious, cultural and governmental – which hold records of historical significance. The holdings are briefly described, access information is provided and contact details are supplied.

The index for the new edition is the most detailed to date, with almost 2,500 entries, making it easier than ever for users to track down sources for a wide range of subjects, people and places.

Seamus Helferty is senior archivist, University College Dublin Archives (UCDA) and Raymond Refaussé is librarian and archivist, Representative Church Body Library, Dublin.