The provisions for conversion in the penal laws, 1695–1750
Charles Ivar McGrath
The theology and liturgy of conversion
Tom Power
Clerical converts
Tom Power
Convert narratives in eighteenth-century Ireland
Michael Brown
The conversion of Father James O'Farrell
James Kelly
Puritan subjectivities: the conversion debate in Cromwellian Dublin
Crawford Gribben
Becoming convinced: Quaker conversion narratives in the late seventeenth century
Sandra Hynes
Tradition and Enlightenment: conversion and assurance of salvation in Ulster Presbyterianism, 1700–1859
Andrew Holmes
Charles, twelfth viscount of Costello-Dillon: conversion and family identity in eighteenth-century Europe
Colm James O'Connail
'From perpetual ignorance and silence': notions of conversion in the correspondence of Lady Ranelagh and Bishop Dopping
Betsy Taylor-FitzSimon
Conversion, family and mentality
David Fleming