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The Irish Jacobite army

Harman Murtagh & Diarmuid Murtagh

Hardback €40.50
Catalogue Price: €45
ISBN: 978-1-80151-121-6
July 2024. 432 pages. 16 page Colour ills. section. Hardback

"This book is hugely ambitious in its remit, and it has managed to examine its subject in both width and depth, while also supplying the wider context. It serves as a model of how military organizations can be examined in an intelligent and useful way ... This volume has a wealth of detail on the organisation of the Irish Jacobite army, but embedded within this are higher discussions on the quality and motivation of troops, the personalities of commanders and the conduct of an army on campaign ... The Murtaghs’ Irish Jacobite army offers us a new and definitive account of a crucially important Irish military formation, and as such it is hugely to be welcomed." David Murphy, History Ireland