Vincent Comerford
Ben Cowell
The historic house and its associations
Deirdre Cullen
The painted decorations in the long gallery at Castletown House: new light on the intellectual lives of Thomas and Louisa Conolly
Ian d’Alton
The place of the country house in the Irish gentry’s perception of their world
Kristina Decker
Mary Delany and the mental and creative world of Delville
Cathal Dowd Smith
Frances Power Cobbe, daughter of the Irish country house
Roy Foster
Architecture, politics and the Irish cultural imagination
James Frazer
The 3rd earl of Roden and evangelical christianity at Tollymore Park and Dundalk House, c.1820–70
Raymond Gillespie
Irish country house libraries and social change, 1650–1750
Elizabeth Grubgeld
The Moore brothers and the library at Moore Hall
Anna-Maria Hajba
The library at Adare Manor, Co. Limerick
Jeremy Hill
The photography of G.H. Orpen
Elizabeth Jamieson
The history of the family and estate archives at Cowdray, Knole, and Ham House
Kate Retford
Reading the eighteenth-century print room
Christopher Ridgway
Houses of ideas
Aileen Spitere
The library at Annes Grove