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The Church of Ireland under the Stuarts

Patrick Little

Hardback €49.50
Catalogue Price: €55
ISBN: 978-1-80151-088-2
April 2025 . 224 pages. Hardback. Ills.

Alan Ford
The role of a university: Trinity College Dublin, 1594–1634

Mark Empey
Preserving the past: history, manuscripts and belonging, c.1600–41

Joan Redmond
Gender, violence and martyrology in Protestant Ireland, 1641–6

Patrick Little
Lord Inchiquin and the Munster clergy, 1643–9

Patrick Little
The devotional life of the second earl of Cork in Cromwellian Ireland

Liam O’Rourke
Bishops, banquets and buildings, 1660–1714

Toby Barnard
Accommodations with changing orders: the Church of Ireland, 1685–92

Jessica Cunningham
The Church of Ireland’s acquisition and use of silver, 1600–1714

Coleman Dennehy
Bishops as men of business and parliamentary managers in the Irish house of lords, 1613–89

Kerry Houston
Cathedral music in the Church of Ireland under the Stuarts