Oonagh B. Breen & Noel McGrath
Thomas F. Cope
Gladstone’s grudging appointment of Christopher Palles as Chief Baron
Sarah Hamill
At law, at equity, (sometimes) at odds with other judges: Chief Baron Palles and the Judicature Act
Noel McGrath
Palles and company law: forgotten (and forgettable?) judgments
Terence Dooley
Chief Baron Palles and the land question, 1870–91
Oonagh B. Breen
From proof to presumption: the contribution of Palles to the public benefit debate in charity law
Mark Coen
Safeguarding against ‘evil results’: the Chief Baron and contempt of court
Kevin Costello
Palles’ contribution to administrative law
Niamh Howlin
Compensation for criminal injuries: Palles at the intersection of civil and criminal law
Desmond Ryan
The influence of Chief Baron Palles on the development of the doctrines of vicarious liability and the non-delegable duty of care
Steve Hedley
Christopher Palles and tort
Eoin O’Dell
The Aeolus episode in Ulysses and the Freeman’s Journal: Chief Baron Palles and the law of defamation
Oonagh B. Breen & Noel McGrath
Global and local impact: a centennial posthumous recognition