This collection of short essays presents the fruits of painstaking investigations conducted by over eighty scholars of history, early Irish, nua-Ghaeilge, archa…
Once Dublin’s most exclusive residential street, throughout the eighteenth century Henrietta Street was home to the country’s foremost figures from church, mili…
Dublin Corporation, the city’s council, was an ancient and prestigious body. In 1840 its system of voting was reformed to allow for more representation by Catho…
The strained relationship between the Irish Free State and Dublin Corporation (the city's municipal government) is brought to light in this absorbing study whic…
The history of St James’s Hospital stretches back to 1703 when an act was passed to build a workhouse on its site. Just under thirty years later a foundling hos…
From port to commercial centre, and from textile town to centre of shipbuilding, Belfast has adapted, chameleon-like, to changing circumstances. Each of these c…
A critical edition with introduction and notes Regarded as the most celebrated Irish political pamphlet published before 1801, William Molyneux’s Case of Irela…
In 1800, Dublin was one of the largest and most impressive cities in Europe. The city’s town houses and squares represented the pinnacle of Georgian elegance. H…