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The Deeds of the Normans in Ireland

La Geste des Engleis en Yrlande

Evelyn Mullally, editor

Paperback €15.95
Catalogue Price: €19.95
Special Discount applied until Tuesday 18th February
ISBN: 978-1-84682-817-1
March 2019. 180pp; large format

‘Dr Mullally’s lively translation captures the spirit of adventure which underlay the events described in the Geste des Engleis en Yrlande, and students of these events
now have at their disposal a scholarly modern edition from which to work’, Peritia.

‘[T]he edition itself is extremely scholarly and intelligent; the notes, both textual and historical ... are copious; and the introduction, forty pages long, is exhaustive ...
all in all, Mullally has done an excellent job’, Medium Aevum.