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The materiality of devotion in late medieval northern Europe

Images, objects and practices

Henning Laugerud, Salvador Ryan & Laura Katrine Skinnebach, editors

Paperback €26.95
Catalogue Price: €29.95
This title is currently only available for US deliveries
ISBN: 978-1-84682-503-3
January 2016. 218pp; large format, colour ills.

Types of grace mediality in the late Middle Ages
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The Body of Christ and the union ‘without difference’: Hadewijch’s Eucharistic Vision 7–8 reconsidered
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‘And how could I find Thee at all, if I do not remember Thee?’ Visions, images and memory in late medieval devotion
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Christ the wounded lover and affective piety in late medieval Ireland and beyond
Salvador Ryan

Transfiguration: change and comprehension in late medieval devotional perception
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Don’t judge a head by its cover: the materiality of the Johannesschüssel as reliquary
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The Annunciation and the senses: late medieval devotion and the pictorial gaze
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Prostheses of pious perception: on the instrumentalization and mediation of the medieval sensorium
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