Dublin and the Late Roman comb
Ian Riddler & Nicola Trzaska-Nartowski
Life in the big city: being at home in Viking Dublin
Rebecca Boyd
The conversion of the Vikings of Dublin
Gwendolyn Sheldon
What the Vikings really thought about Clontarf: a speculation
Lenore Fischer
A rising tide doesn’t life all boats: archaeological excavations at Meeting House Square, Temple Bar, Dublin
A.R. Hayden
St Mary’s Abbey, Dublin, and its medieval farm suppliers
Geraldine Stout
St Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin: the recent discovery of the thirteenth-century south nave wall
Linzi Simpson
Trouble with the archbishop in thirteenth-century Dublin
Charles Smith
Janico Markys, Dublin, and the coronation of ‘Edward VI’ in 1487
Randolph Jones
The bailiffs, provosts and sheriffs of the city of Dublin
Eoin C. Bairéad