‘Solid divine and worthy scholar’: William Bedell, Venice and Gaelic culture
Marc Caball
Cultural frontiers and the circulation of manuscripts in Ireland, 1625–1725
Bernadette Cunningham and Raymond Gillespie
The popular influence of Foras Feasa ar Éirinn from the seventeenth to the nineteenth century
Vincent Morley
Verisimilitude or subversion? Probing the interaction of English and Irish in selected warrants and macaronic verse in the eighteenth century
Liam Mac Mathúna
An Ghaelig nua: English, Irish and the south Ulster poets and scribes in the late seventeenth and eighteenth centuries
Charles Dillon
The Catholic Church, the Irish mission and the Irish language in the eighteenth century
Ciarán Mac Murchaidh
Irish Protestants and the Irish language in the eighteenth century
James Kelly
Bilingualism, print culture in Irish and the public sphere, 1700–c.1830
Lesa Ní Mhunghaile
A journey from manuscript to print: the transmission of an elegy by Piaras Feiritéar
Deirdre Nic Mhathúna
Pious miscellanies and spiritual songs: devotional publishing and reading in Irish and Scottish Gaelic, 1760–1900
Niall Ó Ciosáin