Henning Laugerud & Salvador Ryan
The devotion of the simple and pure: devotional culture in the Haugean movement in Norway, 1796–1840
Arne Bugge Amundsen
Devotions and the old rite
Sheridan Gilley
The Redemptorists and the shaping of Irish popular devotion, 1851–1965
Brendan McConvery
Modernity and Catholic Restoration: the cases of the Blessed Anna Maria Giannetti Taigi and the Blessed Elisabetta Canori Mora
Sarah Fiona Maclaren
The visual rhetoric of medals representing nineteenth-century Marian apparitions
Eli Heldaas Seland
Regnavit a ligno Deus: tradition and modernity in Liszt’s Via Crucis
Peter De Mey & David J. Burn
The return to byzantine painting tradition: Fotis Kontoglou and the aesthetical problem of twentieth-century orthodox iconography
Georgios Kordis
Fighting the disenchantment of the world: the instrument of medieval revivalism in nineteenth-century art and architecture
Henrik von Achen
‘When wicked men blaspheme Thee’: constructing the religious Order in English hymnody
Peter McGrail
The Spanish Civil War detentebalas: some notes on the materiality of the sacred Heart
Ewa Klekot
Religious emblems and cultural identity in Northern Ireland
E. Frances King